
Remove Windows Expert Console

Windows Expert Console removal is a neccessity you can not afford to avoid. Windows Expert Console belongs to the family of rogue anti-spyware software that maliciously fools it's users into thinking that the computer has been infected and Windows Expert Console will help fix the situation. In fact, the rogue anti-spyware program will definately do more harm than benefit. Remove Windows Expert Console or your computer will be held hostage and under request to pay a ransom. Of course, you should not pay the ransom for the purchase of fake virus "protection" system, instead you should carefully read this blog to find out what you can do to help your situation.


Xbox One bans swearing

Xbox One is new highly anticipated console to shake the market of video gaming. Millions of pre-orders already took place long before the official start of selling. Xbox One is thought to break all purchase records as it's marketing for the product is sky-rocketing. One new feature that the users will either hate or love is the censorship of swear words. The developers of the console decided to pay some attention to ongoing swearing when playing video games. Xbox will not track your records when you are using skype or other communication devices, but is sure to track your language when playing video games.


Remove Searchgol.com

Searchgol.com is your typical browser hijacker that tries to immitate a useful search engine. Although, some of the results provided by searchgol.com can be regarded as true, they are often mixed with advertisements and various questionable links that can lead to pages that are infected. As well as the other browser hijackers, searchgol.com changes your default search engine and your homepage. The browser hijacker does not let go of your settings easily, it often can be a struggle to remove searchgol.com manually. The fact that these changes are made without your permission is a violation of your rights. The worm can hijack any browser, be it Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome so the searchgol.com removal is of interest to everyone that is infected. Searchgol.com comes together with a toolbar that also has to be removed if you do not want your data corrupted. Do not be mistaken by the clean look of searchgol.com page, the results are mischevious and therefore you need to get rid of searchgol.com as fast as possible.


Samsung to pay Apple another $290 millions

Last week in California, the jury came to the decision that Samsung is not yet off the hook and will need to pay $290 millions more. Let us come back to the fact that earlier, Samsung lost an appeal and had to pay $1 billion to Apple in a court process that has been going for over two years time. The Korean company is being prosecuted for violating Apple's copyrights and braking some of it's patent rights. $290 millions will be added to the whole sum of earlier court rulings. Apple wanted to win $379 million, where as Samsung admitted to the damage of only $52 million. To stir the fire a little bit more, companies have both pledged an appeal to the 2012's April ruling so this court's decision could basicly mean nothing.


Delete i.search.metacrawler.com

Yet another browser hijacker is on the block, this time it's i.search.metacrawler.com. Similar to other browser hijackers like Govome Search, aartemis.com and dosearches.com the infection acts as an authentic search engine. I.search.metcrawler.com uses legitimate Google search engine to generate search results, however the search results, images, videos and maps are filled with various questionable links. These links are generated to attract customers to third party pages that thrive on advertisement clicks. It is important to delete i.search.metacrawler.com because the results extracted from the search engine may lead you to infected pages. For example, the browser hijacker offers a Shopping center which is operated via savefront.com that can be regarded as questionable in nature also. The search engine comes together with Funmoods that has been regarded as a part of sr.searchfunmoods.com, therefore it is essential you uninstall i.search.metacrawler.com right away.


New form of scamming

Such social platforms as Facebook and Twitter are booming with users so it's not surprising that those platforms are becoming more and more about marketing. Do you feel transparent among the multi-million audience of Twitter? James Clegg (fake name) can help you gather those re-tweets and followers in no time. Clegg is a new type of businessman, he sells fake twitter users to follow you. A thousand twitter fake accounts usually cost around 11$ and the newly created organization suddenly becomes well-known. Clegg says that the reasons behind such popularity buying fake accounts stand different. Small celebrities, friends who want to make a practical joke, comedians, small organizations all want to punch-through their popularity without much trouble, James can help them. An old saying about marketing is: "If there's demand, there will always be supply". It seems that this is also the case with Clegg.


Remove aartemis.com

Aartemis.com is a very irritating form of a parasite called browser hijacker. One day your browsing without care and the other day you open up your browser to find out that the home page, search engine and other preferred settings have been changed. Delete aartemis.com or the search results will also be corrupted and in addition to Google and Yahoo results, aartemis.com will add some malicious and infected links which can lead to more parasites. It is important to remove aartemis.com if you do not want any advertisements popping-up. The advertisements may lead you to content that is inappropriate, limited security and therefore unwelcomed.


Baltaga brothers taken into custody by the police

U.S officials state that the famous Baltaga brothers have been arrested by the federals for financial crimes that troubled U.S banks. Adrian and Gheorghe Baltaga (25 and 26 years old), originaly from Moldova, are suspected of stealing credit accounts from Fidelity Investments accounts users and laundring debit cards money from the bank to their accounts. The officials say that the debit cards was used to purchase money orders from institutions such as U.S Postal Office. U.S Postal office money orders were distributed throughout different credit cards and could have been cashed through ATM machines.


Removing dosearches.com

There is a new parasite on the block and it is called Dosearches.com. If you have seen or heard this page, do not be fooled as it is a clear case of browser hijacking. Similar to other neighbours like www.v9.com and www.portaldosites.com, Dosearches.com removal is necessary because it does not only change your home page, default search engine, new tabs but also gathers valuable search information for selfish reasons. Delete Dosearches.com or the search results you find may guide you into various unsafe pages that may cause even more damage. Dosearches.com uses Yahoo and Google search engines results and adds advertisments that are dangerous if clicked. Amazon.com and eBay.com are amongst those that are connected to Dosearches.com engine and while they are not malicious in nature, they can lead you into pages that are. By ignoring Dosearches.com removal you can leave an open door for the viruses to come in.


Police arrests online dealers

One of more interesting FBI operations took place last last week. Steven Lloyed Sadler, 40, is charged with dealing cocaine via internet. Using a nickname "NOD" Sadler managed an internet page called Silk Road. Silk Road is one of the most popular illegal black market pages on the internet. It is unclear if the shutting down of Silk Road will affect the market as a void opened for competing drug dealers. Federal authorities regard Silk Road one of the most dangerous black markets cause of high quality of small amounts of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin used world-wide.


Removal of Qvo6.com

Qvo6.com is a form of malware called browser hijacker that can infect your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. The malware alters your internet preferences by changing the users home page and default search engine without asking a permission. I think you would agree that a change in users settings without his or hers consent is a irritating and unwelcomed action. Qvo6 misleads the user by pretending to be a trustworthy search engine, but at the same time gathers revenue by boosting traffic for other websites. Therefore, I strongly recommend to remove Qone6 and secure yourself from further inconveniences like opening security backdoors and route to corrupted websites. It is relevant to mention that Qvo6 infection is not a virus, however it is sunbstantial that the Qone6.com removal is immediate. Qvo6.com looks like a decent search engine, but in fact when generating the search results, the infection gives customized results. These results may indirectly expose to other possible malware infections.