
Uninstall CryptoDefense Virus

CryptoDefense Virus is often mistaken with an infection that shares a similar name - CryptoLocker, but altough these are both cases of ransomware, they are different in terms how they act. CryptoDefense Virus was first noticed to trouble users in the beginning of 2014, but remained a real headache to get rid of till this day. It is estimated that criminals generated as much as $34,000 from naive users who decided to support the malicious infection. I need to strongly emphasize the fact that you should not pay or give away any information to CryptoDefense or it's owners. It is important you control the situation carefully and find out the best ways to delete CryptoDefense Virus from your system.


Bitcoin legal or illegal around the world?

BitLegal.net is where you can find out what is world's nations view towards the highly controversial crypto-currency - Bitcoins. Most countries still do not know what to do and how to act with this type of currency. The article will review the most influential countries and their plans on regulations. If you want to get the more detailed picture, you'll have to visit BitLegal for a large scale map of every country and it's point view. However, if you want to get the most important information, read on.


Remove Webssearches.com

Webssearches.com or istart.webssearches.com is known to be yet another browser hijacker from similar predecessors of his. The qvo6 family of infections keeps on haunting the internet and naive users that still believe "well, this might be legitimate" slogan. Altough this particular browser hijacker may be easier to remove, it does not mean that the dangers are not there. It maliciously changes your default search engine and home page. If you are not experienced enough, it may become quite challenge to change it back to original state. The other danger is that if you do not delete webssearches.com from the system fully, it may continue to harm your settings and other data.


Windows Defence Master

Windows Defence Master as well as Windows Antivirus Tool, Windows Antivirus Master and Windows Paramount Protection are all duplicates of the same infection - Rogue Anti-Spyware program. Such infections have been scamming the users for years and it's nothing new. At first, it may look like a genuine security tool, but the reality is far from such. The program is a malicious attempt to steal your money and you should remove Windows Defence Master without even thinking about it. Continue reading the article and you will find out how to delete this dangerous Rogue Anti-Spyware program.


Mt.Gox on the edge of bankrupcy

Earlier I wrote about Mt.Gox halting their transactions until a glitch in the system is fixed. The Bitcoin downfall seems to be in action as strong as ever because what is looked like a "glitch in the system" that hackers could have taken advantage of, became an excuse for money laundering and bankrupcy scandal in cryptocurrency market giants Mt.Gox deparment and CEO, Mark Karpeles. Federal judge decided to freeze assets of Mt.Gox CEO and all of the company belongins.


Delete lps.adwingate.com

Did you begin noticing that various different advertisements have been popping-up on your screen? It may well be that Adware called lps.adwingate.com has entered your system. If you carefully read through the article, you'll be able to remove lps.adwingate.com in no time. Removal of this adware should not be taken lightly cause complications can form into more serious infections. The unwanted application may have entered your system when you skipped through the installation process of some other program. These type of adware often come bundled with other third party software. You should take great care when installing programs into the system cause some of them may be malicious.

Kickstarter reaches $1 billion pledges

Have you had a really good idea that would have changed the way we carry out certain tasks but lacked the funds? Fear not cause Kickstarter has now become a real entrepreneur of making dreams become reality. The crowd funding organization became so popular and sucessful that they managed to reach $1 billion funds mark. Although previously news about Kickstarter being hacked went public, the company seems to be running well. The record breaking numbers will influence even more dreamers to carry out their projects.


Remove Windows Antivirus Tool manually

Windows Antivirus Suite, Windows Antivirus Helper, Windows AntiBreach Suite and Windows Antivirus Tool are the same in principle. They all act as a legitimate security tool, while in reality they try and steal your money. For some time now, the cyber criminals have been trying to fool the naive users into buying the "full" version of a fake product. The Rogue Anti-Spyware tool shows different Trojans and other viruses that supposed to have infected the system. It's best you ignore those pop-up messages and proceed directly to the Windows Antivirus Tool removal that is explained at the end of the article.


Bitcoins wiped out from Silk Road

Earlier I've wrote about the Bitcoin downfall that's going on, but today has to be one of the most challenging days for the market that's already in shambles. When police authorities arrested Steve Sadler, Silk Road admin, everyone believed that it's not long before a 2.0 version of Silk Road will appear. Silk Road 2.0 appeared in a matter of days giving the opportunity for buyers and sellers of drugs to bounce back. The bitcoin glitch that I wrote about last week, seem to have hit Silk Road really heavy. The new administrator of this online drug market came out to say that their accounts have been stolen and Silk Road lost as much as $2.7 millions worth of customers bitcoins.


Windows Antivirus Master Removal

Windows Antivirus Master is one of those very dangerous and irritating Rogue Anti-Spyware programs. This bogus program thrives on naive users that fail to understand the malicious ways in which it acts. Windows Antivirus Master principle is very simple, but devious at the same time. The program tricks users into believing that it's a legitimate security tool while in reality it tries to steal money from you. By showing fake scan results, the program insists that your system is under attack and has to be saved quickly. The only thing you should be worried about is the Windows Antivirus Master delete itself. Do NOT trust the scan results saying that the system is infected with different Trojan viruses, these results are created only to fool you. Deleting Windows Antivirus Master is the wisest thing you can do at the moment.


Delete Savings Bull, manual removal

I've been writing about adware for a while now, be it Discount Dragon, Plus-HD or Jollywallet. These are all the same in principle with Savings Bull being no different. Once installed, Savings Bull will show various different advertisements that can be really annoying. The app gives you a number of coupons that supposedly will help you save money by clicking on discounts. You shouldn't be naive enough to think that the program has any substantial value to your browsing and proceed to Savings Bull removal. The application is compitable with some of the major shopping websites like walmart.com and bestbuys.com. You will probably have a hard time deleting Savings Bull from your Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. The adware are often hidden so that more inexperienced users would not be able to delete Saving Bull easily.


'Flappy Bird' game over

Yet another smart-phone game of birds managed to catch world-wide attention. The rise of Flappy Bird is hard to explain because the numbers are so overwhelming that the creator did not manage to cope with it. The reason why the game so quickly and so strangelly caught world-wide attention is the fact the it's ridiculously difficult and free. The concept is brutality simple, you need to steer the bird between large metal pipes by tapping your smart-phone screen, if the bird gets through, you get a point. However, if the bird hits the pipe, he immedeatelly falls down from the blue sky and dies.


How to Remove Discount Dragon?

Discount Dragon is a browser plugin that can also be regarded as an adware. Pop-up advertisements are a part of Discount Dragon campaign and can be very irritating. These plugins are all designed to help you but often does not only that. The advertisements lead to different sites on the web and the plugin is not responsible for the content provided there. These ads may link you to a page of questionable authority or content. The value it gives (shows coupons of sales) can not overwhelm the risk it produces when installed. You should not hesitate and remove Discount Dragon, this will eliminate the possibility of infections or personal information loss.


10 years of Facebook overview

Yesterday, the largest social platform known to us hit a decade. To celebrate it's iconic birtday we'll overlook some of the most popular, liked posts and statistics. Lot's of us can not even imagine a life without Facebook and some of these facts will surely highlight that. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook in his dorm room on 4th of Fabruary, 2004, no one, including himself, thought it would be such a world-beater. Nowadays, one out of six people uses Facebook, this means rougly 1.23 billion people opens their facebook accounts at least once a month. To break down the statistics thats 201 million people (16%) in U.S and Canada, 282 million people (23%) in Europe, 368 million people (30%) in Asia and 376 million people (31%) in the rest of the world.


Delete Awesomehp Virus

Has your default search engine and home page been changed without your agreement? Those are first signs of what the experts call, browser hijackers. Awesomehp Virus does not choose a browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer can all be infected by this browser hijacker. You may stumble across multiple obstacles when performing Awesomehp Virus remove, therefore I'll give you some guidelines so the process will be smoother. I suggest you directly proceed to Awesomehp removal if you do not want awesomehp.com popping up everytime you open your browser. You can not trust this fake search engine and I will explain why.


Windows Ultimate Booster Removal

You wake up one morning, turn your computer on and are completely surprised. There is a program that says it will secure your computer from threats and you do not even now how it got there. This is what it's called a Rogue Anti-Spyware program that thrives on naive users. The infection pretends to be a legitimate security tool and tries to steal your money. You need to carefully read the article and make sure your Windows Ultimate Booster removal is sucessful and complete. If you fail to delete Windows Ultimate Booster to full extent, the infection will haunt you for a long time. The removal process is quite difficult itself so you'll need some guidelines and experience to deal with this situation.


Charlie Shrem, BitInstant CEO arrested

It seemed that nothing can stop Bitcoins becoming even more popular. Last week, it has been reported that TigetDirect are now accepting Bitcoins as a legitimate currency for it's transactions. This has given a relatively high sense of authority for this type of crypto money. However, this could change as the news of Charlie Shrem, a 24 year old CEO, being arrested for money laundering, has hit the news headlines this morning. Charlie Shrem is thought to be associated to Silk Road, a black market online dealers, that leaders have also been arrested. U.S district attorney accused the BitInstant CEO of helping Robert Faiella, run an underground Bitcoin exchange market for the users of Silk Road.


Remove Plus-HD

Supposedly, Plus-HD should act as a reliable add-on that enhances quality of youtube videos. As good as it may sound, sadly that is not the case. Even if the add-on would enhance the quality of your youtube videos, it comes with a package of negative features that will try and harm your system. Experts strongly advise to remove Plus-HD because it is classified as an adware and could abuse your privacy and proceed to show various pop-up advertisements. Whether you use Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, all of the browsers' users are vulnerable to the generated adware. I advise you continue reading the report and understand how to delete Plus-HD fast.


Target's data breach

The Target's data breach which hit the market in the holiday season in the end of 2013 has yet to be resolved. Even more shocking is the fact the situation is getting even worse. Target was not the only one hit by this cyber-attack, as various news agencies reported, Neiman Marcus (the high-end department stores) were also damaged by cyber criminals. What is more disturbing, reports have been showing up that another big company, InterCrawler, has been suffering from the same type of malicious software attacks in at least six instances. The reports suggest that the retail stores are in New York and California.


Uninstall Random audio ads

Random audio ads are not only irritating, but can be very malicious as well. Such advertisements can even run when there is no Internet connection on your system. These Random audio ads are really random, they can appear while watching a movie, or simply browsing through the web. In most cases, the infection hurts your system when it first effects computers' Bootkits. Random audio ads are hard to detect because regular computer protection tools does not locate the worm. Experts strongly suggest that you install a professional anti-malware tool and remove Random audio ads without hesitation.


Delete Windows Accelerator Pro

Windows Accelerator Pro is one of those dangerous Rogue Anti-Spyware programs that trick the naive users into believing that it is a legitimate tool. Often the infection enters the computer without your notice and maliciously tries to fool the owner into thinking that his system is corrupted by numerous viruses. I strongly suggest you ignore those fake warnings and remove Windows Accelerator Pro without hesitation if you do not want your personal data corrupted or lost. By ignoring the Windows Accelerator Pro uninstall you are basically inviting the infections on your front porch. The fake scan that the Rogue Anti-Spyware tool is performing shows that the system is infected by different viruses, while in reality the Windows Accelerator Pro is the only one who you should be worried about.


France fines Google

Earlier I wrote that Spain has fined Google for data breach and now it seems that France went the same way. Because of the privacy breach, France privacy regulators administered a fine and regulated a demand for Google to fulfil. The commity on information and liberty (CNIL) fined Google $200.000 for breaching the regulations of french people concerning privacy. Not only that, but a very emberassing demand for a warning on Google's french page will have to appear. The warning will have to explain that Google does not support the CNIL regulations, and be put on Google.fr main page.


Safe Saver remove

Safe Saver was developed by Brightcircle Investments Limited and is considered to be a browser plugin. The home page of this Adware is safe-saver.com, but it would not suprise anyone if it was installed together with bundled software. The purpose behind this browser plugin is to save you money while browsing the web. The context behind this assumption could be regarded as malicious because there is in fact no need to save money whilst skimming through the web. If you have this Adware installed on your computer, keep reading the blog and it will help you remove Safe Saver from your system.


Snapchat leaked

For those of you which do not know, Snapchat is a very popular social platform that enables users to share their videos and photos to a certain group of people for a limited period of time. This means that after the the set amount of time (the range is between 1 and 10 seconds) the video or a photo is deleted from the viewers device and removed from Snapchat's servers. Snapchat allows users to share private media with a level of security. The newly released page SnapchatDB.info leaked 4.6 million user's private data such as usernames and telephone numbers, this caused great chaos and shakened the very surface on which Snapchat is based - privacy.